Rank: 8 Geup
Belt: Yellow
- Apseogi (Walking Stance)
- Apkubi (Front Stance)
- Arae Makki (Low Block)
- Momtong Anmakki (Torso Out-to-In Block)
- Olgulmakki (High Block)
- Momtong Bandae Jireugi (Torso Reverse Punch)
- Montong Baro Jireugi (Torso Straight Pench)
- Apchagi (Front Kick)
- Naeryuchagi (Axe Kick)
- Anchagi (Out-to-In Kick)
- Bakatchagi (In-to-Out Kick)
Poomsae: TaeGeuk 1 (il) Jang
The general meaning of this form and associated trigram is Yang, which represents Heaven and Light. Also, this trigram has a relationship to South and Father. The first Taegeuk form is the beginning of all pumsaes, the “birth” of the martial artist into Taekwondo. This pumsae should be performed with the greatness of Heaven.
Poomsae video- Courtesy of Korea Taekwondo Association and Taekwonmaru
Promotion Test (8th Geup -> 7th Geup):
- At least 1 month elapsed since the last promotion
- Must perform TaeGeuk 1 Jang
- Front Kick / Axe Kick / Out-to-In Kick / In-to-Out Kick)
- 2 minutes of Olympic sparring